I know, it's been forever since I last updated this blog! Well, a lot of stuff has gone on since the last entry.
The most important thing... Ethan's Hope. This is a kit that was completed by SO many wonderful designers. There are also a lot of really awesome designers who donated advertisement and gift cards. Ethan is a LOVED little boy. By his wonderful mother and by the scrapping community. His mother is such an awesome woman! I have really enjoyed building a relationship with her. Her family deserves the best. Ethan is so appreciative of what we have offered, it's truly amazing. He is a testimant of what a lot of love, happiness and patience can do to a person. He is a great little boy. That is why we want to help give him Hope!
You can take a peek at this HUGE kit here http://www.elementalscraps.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16&products_id=176
I know, I know. A lot of you are visual kind of girls. I'm just REALLY tired and trying to finsh up half the alpha for my new kit! LOL
Lights- I have played around a few times with them. I'll have to come back and actually show pictures! Maybe tomorrow haha! I really want to show you some tutus and you can actually order them from Shannon, Ethan's mom! haha she makes wonderful tutus.
Kits- I have put out a TON of new kits since funky flowers. I think there's
sweet paisley boy
just like candy
summer girls
blue island sea glass
I can't remember them all! LOL
Right now I'm actually working on a boy kit and I've also come out with some basics type stuff. There's chipboard, corkboard, stitching and "magnetic thoughts".
I am starting to build my personal CT! I have quite a few ladies now. Getting everything wrapped up and I will put them on my blog!
Vacation- We're trying to get leave so we can go to San Diego for the Beach, Sea World and the Wild Animal Park. Then we're gonna drive up a ways to Disneyland!! The kids are gonna have SO much fun. We just did sea world, but they're dying to go again. I have to be honest and say I'm dreading it a little LOL! I wanted to do winter but Dallas is going overseas then, so now's our only time.
We're also saving up money so we can have a bigger down payment to get a new SUV before he leaves. We want to get the 07 Denali xl http://www.gmc.com/2007yukon/photos.jsp#pageWrapper
We want to at least put 1/5 of the car down to lower the payments.
I'm way too tired! I'm sure that's not all, but it will do for now. I can't believe I haven't updated this in so long.